Lasting relationships

There are many ways to run a business and companies across the world have adopted a range of different management philosophies by which they structure and run their operations. Kaizen is one such philosophy, born in Japan and adopted widely by Western
companies in the 1980s. Roughly translated as “continuous improvement”, this business management methodology centres around the idea that processes must evolve by gradual improvement rather than radical change and that human resources are a company’s most important asset. This philosophy resonates deeply within the dental industry where the success of a dental practice depends heavily on the abilities of the dental practitioners within it.

Dentists, hygienists and dental nurses bring their knowledge, skills and experience to clinic every day in order to treat their patients to the best of their abilities. It is crucial, therefore, that their practices invest in them by providing the best tools and equipment to enable them to deliver the highest quality dental care. Excellent patient care is the root of practice success, ensuring patients both return and recommend the practice to friends and family – a sure-fire way to build a business.


To do this, a practice must continue evolving, keeping abreast of changes in the dental landscape, including new technology, scientific advances and the latest clinical evidence. A prudent management team will seek to adopt new techniques and products gradually, ensuring adequate training is provided as well as time for embedding them in their day-to-day workflows. It is no different for a group of dental companies which will have a range of treatment centres to maintain. The challenge is to find a supplier that can provide equipment which can integrate with the existing set-up and which will provide the quality, longevity and reliability that dental professionals require.

More than

When it comes to procuring the right equipment for their practices, dental practices need more than a supplier. They need a manufacturer that understands the industry and is looking to build a long-term partnership which will be of mutual benefit to both businesses. A manufacturing business partner offers high-quality products built with precision components and backed up by years of research and development. They know that dental professionals need equipment that will do the job they were built to do every time and will last much longer than those made with lower quality materials.

Knowledge is Key

Their products will be backed up by long warranties which show that they have faith in their products and that they can guarantee the high quality. Multi-component instruments like surgical handpieces will come with detailed product guides and care and maintenance protocols to ensure their handlers know how to use and look after them.

Customer support

A manufacturing partner will have a friendly and knowledgeable customer support department at the end of the phone to provide advice and help with any queries, as well as reps in the field who can visit and provide support and advice. And last but not least, a manufacturing partner will have a team of dedicated service engineers who are factory trained to fix their products, a team that can be trusted to restore the equipment with tried-and-tested techniques and approved replacement parts – the same team that serviced your handpiece last time and who knows your product inside out.

An opportunity

A dental practice has the potential to enjoy exceptional working relationships when sourcing equipment and materials. Working with one manufacturing partner via your preferred dealer gives your procurement team the opportunity to gain the best possible options on ranges of equipment such as handpieces. This enables your practices to benefit from the high quality of the equipment and the support and service provided, especially if you choose a manufacturer whose products are designed to be compatible with a wide range of treatment centres, even from other manufacturers. Equipping all your practices with the same equipment.

Leaving a Legacy

NSK is a company that has embraced the Kaizen philosophy over the years. On a continual quest for improvement, we have just opened a brand new state-of-the art research and development centre in Shihominata, Japan. We believe in being a partner with our customers which includes giving you a full 360° service, long warranties, detailed product guides and care and maintenance protocols to ensure you have all the knowledge and know-how to look after your equipment. 

Our friendly customer service team provide a personal, responsive service so we can assist you with any questions or problems you might be experiencing. Our factory-trained service engineers are also on hand to service your equipment to the highest quality.

Call us on 0800 6341909 or visit to discuss your future working alongside NSK